Q: My HS is already working more than fine and I can use mine for everything I need. You should have a lot of stuff to play around with. Q: Did you fix this whole G_battlearena x32 stuff?Ī: Yes I did, this was very careless on my part in FR2, but it‘s now fully gone.Ī: I stopped at 91GB, FR2 was 39GB in comparison.

Q: Does this support my 32-Bit Pentium-4 2.66ghz | 1GB RAM | Intel Graphics laptop?Ī: Most likely not, 32-Bit isn‘t supported (You need 64-Bit). All of that, you need to do by yourself.Ī: Stay calm and think, a lot of people don‘t have problems, what could have happend that made it crash? If that doesn‘t fix it, ask in my discord. Q:Everything will be perfect right? All of my 10000 cards will be working without any problems and I never need to install or do ANTHING else.Ī: No, some card may have stuff that need manual Adjustments, some have mods specifically for them. Honey Select Final Repack 3.5 - 91GB Edition (ハニーセレクト) Honey Select - Mods Pack 02 Honey Select - Mods Pack 01 HS MODS GGmod 1.6.1 - High Heels for Honey Select HGame HoneySelect 2 BetterRepack R3.1 + ModsPack HS Wide Slider (slider limit change v0.8.3 update 05/21) HGame Sexy Beach Premium Resort Repack Final HGame PlayHome BetterRepack R1 HS SBX2.5 Uncensor. I manually made my own modification.Setup your character, bring up the UI, select your favourite screenshot plugin, select 60 fps, choose to Limit By 'Seconds', set the Limit Count to 5 (aka 5 seconds here), optionally select resize if you wish to downscale the video, use the MP4 format with the H.264 codec, don't touch the quality and finally hit 'Start Recording'. For ABM macro in GameObjectList, the english one is not fully included or added. StudioCharaReader - allows you to extract png data of all characters inside any studio scene. Can apply Macros to adjust bone slider ingame without doing by txt editing.

GameObjectList - ingame manipulation of objects including camera and lighting. TogglePOV - private unless you know where to look. The armpit hair mod and 3d pubic hair you wanted - yeah it's all here. His name is on his site and you can't miss this unless you're blind. = source with his downloads at His password is his name. = Publicly available mods focusing on tattoos, clothing and accessories.

Avoid making mirrors when the links they have are mega or available already and be sure to give credit. I'll show sources to mods and their downloads.

Honey Select Unlimited Character Mods Sims 4 Alright. The bonemaplist txt file in the plugins folder should look like this.