Don't forget to answer today's question in the comments below to be entered In today’s episode, which contestant said. and tickets to our Daytime lineup For rules and information on how to enter, click below. Words like “bubbly,” “fun-loving,” “enthusiastic,” and “positive” are better choices than “shy” or “quiet.” Think of the personality traits that come to mind when you see contestants on the show. Watch today's episode of The Price Is Right for your chance to win a VIP trip to L.A.

When answering the question “Describe your personality,” for example, come up with a response that will appeal to the producers who choose contestants.Additionally, you’ll need to upload a photo and answer some personality questions like “What is something about yourself that no one would ever know by looking at you?” Think of this as the beginning of your interview to get called on down as a contestant! X Research source As expected, you’ll have to provide some basic info, like your name, age, address, email, phone number, and dates when you’ll be in the Los Angeles area. Provide personal and personality info on the application.